I’m an East Texas native and proud of it! I was born and raised in Longview, but spent plenty of time in Tyler. Both of my parents are from Tyler, so I had all my relatives there! I have been so blessed to be surrounded by family all my life! I feel fortunate to have a career I dearly love! Not a lot of people can say that. But believe it or not, radio was not my first choice as a career! I knew from age 4 that I would be an actress on the Broadway stage! I did pursue acting with a move to Dallas, Texas for many years. While in Dallas, God opened a door to radio, and I‘ve been “smitten” ever since! I still enjoy acting and being apart of the civic theatre though.I live in Tyler with my husband and beautiful daughter, along with our cats, Phineas, Meadow and Benjamin!My 15 minutes of fame would have to be when I was an “extra” in the movie Born on The Fourth of July, starring Tom Cruise! I actually made it on the big screen!Something people don’t know about me; I’m scared of clowns and I was the Texas “Honey Bee Queen” in the early 80’s! No really!