Drew Weisholtz is an award-winning writer who has had his work published on several websites, including GuySpeed, StarCrush.com and theFW.com. Previously, he has written and served as a producer for ABC News Radio and also spent time as a stand-up comedian. He can be found rooting for his beloved Yankees and Giants and begrudgingly holds out hope his Rutgers Scarlet Knights will one day return to the NCAA Tournament. When that's not consuming him, he passes time quoting "Saved By the Bell" and making fun of his in-laws. You can follow him on Twitter.
Drew Weisholtz
Man Comes Home to Find Someone Broke In Just to Clean It
Talk about making a clean getaway.
#SignsYoureOutOfShape Tweets Will Have You Running (Or Slowly Walking) for the Gym
Is your own personal battle of the bulge turning into the war of waistline?
Focused Reporter Is Unfazed by Spider Crawling on Her Arm
Breaking news: nothing can stop this woman from doing her job.
Coke Zero Is No More, Being Replaced With Coke Zero Sugar
RIP to a popular soda.
#ThingsToAvoidAtAPublicPool Tweets May Save Your Summer
It's a summer tradition, but one you should approach with caution.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Resigns
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has stepped down, reports the 'New York Times.'
Woman Granted Divorce Because Husband Ignored Her Texts
The writing was on the wall. Or, at least, it was on the screen.
Teenager Wins Lottery Twice In One Week and You’re Broke
Talk about pushing your luck.
Here’s the Disgusting Truth About Peeing in the Pool
Admit it -- you know you've gone number one in the pool. Well, you may want to consider holding it in.
Girl Taking First Sip of Coke Simply. Cannot. Deal.
Can't beat the real thing. Can you?
Car Stopped With Way, Way, Way Too Much Stuff on Roof
This road trip never should've left the driveway.
Skunks Are Running Rampant Outside a House and We’re Never Leaving Home Again
Think of the worst thing that can happen in your neighborhood. Got it? Well, this is worse.