I’m Going to Attempt to Start a Small Garden
I've lived in the same apartment complex for almost 7 years now. About a year and half ago, I moved to a downstairs apartment. There has been a unused spot on my patio that I'm finally going to try to make useful.

I, in now way, have a green thumb. My parents had a nice size garden when I was a kid and I would help out with that, but it was more their gardening knowledge that lead to a good harvest. I have had a couple of houseplants over the years with so-so success. This could be a bit much, though, but I'm gonna give it a shot.
So in between my PlayStation 4 play times, I am going to try to tend to a small vegetable garden. Small as in some tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers. It's rough now where I plan on planting everything but I think it could clean up nice.
Yeah, we'll see. I figured tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers would be a good start mainly because those ore three of my favorite vegetables and it seems like these should be easy to take care of. Who knows, maybe I'll turn a couple of cucumbers into pickles. Yum.
Wish me luck. I'll provide some updates on how it goes.
READ MORE: How Much Food Do You Need to Shelter in Place?
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