Lubbock, get ready to kick your holiday festivities up a notch—or 60! Fireball Whiskey just dropped the ultimate holiday decoration: a Christmas stocking that comes pre-loaded with a 1.75-liter bottle of their signature cinnamon whiskey. And yes, it has a spout.


For just $25, you can hang this bad boy on your mantle, and instead of reaching for candy canes, you’ll be pouring (or sipping) liquid fire straight from the stocking. That’s 35 shots of cinnamon-spiced goodness—enough to fuel a holiday party, to keep the family arguments from escalating...or possibly starting them.

Here’s the pitch: Picture yourself lying by the fireplace, watching the kids unwrap gifts, and letting the stocking slowly fill your cup (or your mouth, no judgment). Fireball calls it “part decoration, part tense family dinner icebreaker,” which feels pretty accurate.

Why go there? According to Fireball, the holidays aren’t all fun and games for everyone. A poll they conducted found that over half of Millennials and Gen Z’ers find family gatherings stressful, and just as many admit they stock up on booze to survive the season. And honestly, who hasn’t been there?

2022 Bar & Restaurant Expo and World Tea Expo - Day 3
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But let’s be clear, Lubbock: This stocking isn’t for solo missions. It’s made for sharing, so please don’t try to drink all 35 shots by yourself. That’s the kind of Christmas memory you don’t need. If you could even remember it at all!

Will Fireball’s festive stocking end up on your holiday wish list? Whether it’s for the white elephant exchange, a party centerpiece, or just to add some heat to your holiday, one thing’s for sure—this stocking is bringing Texas-sized cheer to the season!

Cheers, Lubbock!

(An ad Fireball made for it talks about "slapping" the bag--a reference to a drinking game where college kids slap a bag of wine and chug from it.  Are they really suggesting people chug liquor? I hope not!)

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