However much some may be interested in trying a vegan diet, they can be overwhelmed with how to do it right and give up before they begin. This could help.
Let this coming Heart Awareness Month finally be the one when you make the changes that protect your heart health, and thus, the quality and quantity of your life.
Take a look at the "healthy" foods, or at least the substances in them, that are worth your discernment when it comes to planning your *actually* healthy diet.
If you eat 100 calories and it takes the body 100 calories worth of energy to digest that, it's net-zero, and big dieting win. Some foods that get close to that mark and will help hit weight loss goals.
After seven studies, a review showed those who slept less than seven hours--once they began sleeping more--found they had reduced appetite. But that's not all.
I adore holiday food. At the same time, after several days of embracing a hedonistic approach to food enjoyment, you start to feel the effects in various ways.
Let's create meals over the next few days that are truly comfort food for our bodies, not just our taste buds. Ideally, true comfort food will comfort both.
I personally use sea salt on a regular basis in moderation. As always, speak with your doctor to find out how much salt is right for your personal health story.
There are dietary guidelines that some health providers say may help create a more preventative, anti-oxidant filled, cancer-fighting environment in our bodies.
Take a look at the "healthy" foods, or at least the substances in them, that are worth your discernment when it comes to planning your *actually* healthy diet.