As frustrating as this winter storm experience has been in East Texas, the latest problem we have to deal with is having to boil our water for the next few days.
Dr. Jacob Glanville, one of the doctors on the Netflix series “Pandemic,” says his team may have found antibodies which they believe could treat COVID-19.
Dr. Emily Porter is a board-certified emergency physician and used her 15 years of experience to explain why it's imperative that we all stay home to give our friends and family members a fighting chance.
The walk will begin at the Rose Rudman Trailhead at 9 a.m. Saturday morning, and will begin with a short discussion on whether or not Medical Marijuana is legal in Texas.
One East Texas doctor is very quietly having a huge impact on thousands of people several continents away, and recently performed a milestone 30-thousandth surgery aboard Africa's Mercy Ship. Those folks can see, thanks to him!