So you rob a dude on the street. Not cool, man. You get hungry and order some food to be delivered. Ok, we all gotta eat. You use the stolen phone to order said food and are caught. Yeah, you're a special kind of stupid.
A would-be robber got the ride of his life inside a convenience store in Midlothian,Texas...that ride was mostly backwards and then onto his face, thanks to an off-duty fireman from Mansfield.
Let's add another one to the Mug Shot Hall of Shame.
According to a report, two men were arrested after allegedly breaking into a home and assaulting a man with a baseball bat and pick axe.
A 27-year-old woman in Florida was arrested after slapping her 72-year-old grandmother. According to a report, the altercation was the result of the granddaughter getting upset after the woman refused to accept her Facebook friend request.
A barking dog that won't stop barking is an annoyance, to say the least. If the dog belongs to a neighbor, most folks will just put up with the barking in the hopes that the dog will soon quiet down.
Roger Pelletier is not most folks.
Getting law enforcement involved when you feel you've been wronged in a business deal is usually a good idea. However, if that business deal involves illegal drugs, calling the police is probably not the best option.