Kyle Nix

A Christmas Miracle? Turnpike Troubadours Website Updated, Reads ‘Coming Soon’
Perhaps we haven't heard the last of Lorrie.

This 8-Year-Old Video of Turnpike Troubadours ‘Before The Devil Knows We’re Dead’ Made Us Smile
I'd like to believe we appreciated them sufficiently while we had them, not sure it was possible though.

Turnpike Troubadour Kyle Nix Reveals He’s 3 Months Sober, Announces Solo Shows
Best known as the man behind the fiddle for Turnpike Troubadours, Kyle Nix released his debut solo album, Lightning on the Mountain & Other Short Stories, last summer, not long after the world locked down.
Last May Nix was our guest on Radio Texas, LIVE!, to discuss ...