There's something about springtime that gives us a sense of hope--the return of light after months and months of darkness. And springtime in East Texas is truly magnificent.
Staying home, and being FORCED to do so by the weather, East Texans are feeling compelled to spend time reflecting on what we've been prioritizing in our lives.
During quarantine, I started watching The Walking Dead for the first time. Over the Memorial Day weekend, I'm into season five. Holy crap am I going through the emotional ringer.
One of the best, and funniest, commercial campaigns was Bud Light's "Real Men of Genius" commercials of the mid 2000's. They have been updated for the quarantine and are still just as entertaining.
During Quarantine, I stayed at home as much as possible, which meant eating out turned to eating in thanks to curbside pickup or delivery and I may continue doing it.
Due to the global pandemic, many vacations and summer plans have been put on hold. At least we can take a photo journey thru the world and maybe get some ideas.