Often times during the holidays movies are released that have Oscar potential. Sadly a lot of these films do not get a wide release, and don't show in Tyler.
Yesterday was Ryan Gosling's birthday. The gorgeous actor turned 34, so I thought, 'why not honor his birthday by giving you some of his best scenes all in one place.'
Remember the fellow who was arrested after throwing a hot dog at Tiger Woods last Sunday?
Well, 31-year-old Brandon Kelly finally opened up to the press about why he resorted to wiener tossing when he saw Woods lining up a putt on the seventh hole of the Frys.com Open. His explanation is pretty out there.
According to TheSmokingJacket.com, here's a rundown of some stuff that guys should not be using:
The Volkswagen Beetle
The Shake Weight
Sketchers Shape-Ups
Herbal Essences
(You know ... those fruity shampoos, conditioners and body washes.)
The Wii