Texas Teen Perfectly Handles Rude CustomerTexas Teen Perfectly Handles Rude CustomerHow to handle rude customers like a pro! Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
Cool Down On A Hot Longview Or Tyler Afternoon With A Refreshing Snow ConeCool Down On A Hot Longview Or Tyler Afternoon With A Refreshing Snow ConeSnow cone, snocone, snow ball, sno-ball however you spell it and say it, it is a refreshing treat.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Do a Good Deed in Kilgore Kids, You Could Get a Free Snow ConeDo a Good Deed in Kilgore Kids, You Could Get a Free Snow ConeThis program is for kids, but, come on, if us adults were eligible, we'd do it too.Michael GibsonMichael Gibson
I Have Found The Perfect Little Shaved Ice Shop In East TexasI Have Found The Perfect Little Shaved Ice Shop In East Texas2401 E. 5th Street is where you can find Shivers Snack Shack in Tyler and there I have found the best shaved ice I have ever had.Shawn KnightShawn Knight
Do a Good Deed in Kilgore Kids, You Could Get a Free Snow ConeDo a Good Deed in Kilgore Kids, You Could Get a Free Snow ConeThis program is for kids, but, come on, if us adults were eligible, we'd do it too.Michael GibsonMichael Gibson
Do a Good Deed, Get a Snow ConeDo a Good Deed, Get a Snow ConeThis program is for kids, but, come on, if us adults were eligible, we'd do it too.Michael GibsonMichael Gibson
3 Reasons to Look Forward to Summer3 Reasons to Look Forward to SummerSummer...it's so close. And there are dozens of reasons you should be excited for it to get here ASAP, but these three are some of my favorites! Ashley SpenceAshley Spence