Everyone knows that Tyler is the rose capital, and that Earl Campbell played football at John Tyler. But lets see if you know any of these historical facts about our wonderful city.
Come on ya'll, those graduates have been busting their butts to make that passing grade. They deserve to be spoiled. Here we have a few ideas to get you started.
So your little grad will be heading off to school in the fall...
People who sit most of the day have a 54 percent greater risk of heart attack than those who spend a good chunk of the day standing.
Researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana came to this conclusion after analyzing the lifestyles of more than 17,000 men and women over 13 years.
The scientists found that even non-smokers who exercise regularly and would be considered in
Now I can say “<a href="http://www.oed.com/public/latest/latest-update/#new" target="_self">OMG</a>, <a href="http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-03-24/entertainment/ct-talk-small-talk-0325-20110324_1_muffin-oxford-english-dictionary-symbol" target="_self">Look at that muffin top</a>! LOL’ without being g...
We have an intern who has decided to suck it up and start dating again. He is actually pretty nervous
and asked me where he should take this new little lady that has caught his eye. Me being the "work smart" type I posted on KNUE's FaceBook and got your advice. WOW -- Thank you for all the suggestions. I made a quick list of the top five -- read on to see where he may heading out thi
St. Patrick's Day is upon us and you've no doubt got your Irish pub crawl planned. But tomorrow? Step away from the Bloody Mary. The hair of the dog may go down easy, but it won’t cure that hangover. Instead, try these remedies that we swear by—and some (sour pickle juice?!) we’ll pass on:
Hawaii was the country's happiest state in 2010.
This according to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, which takes into account emotional health, physical health, healthy behaviors, and job satisfaction.
While one might guess that Hawaii's stellar climate has something to do with its residents' contentment, the rest of the top five happiest states were rounded out by Wyoming, North Dakota, Al
Dutch researchers have discovered that when your bladder is full, you make less impulsive decisions, according to the Telegraph.
The scientists conducted an experiment where one group of volunteers were given a lot of water to drink, and another group just a small amount...
Late yesterday afternoon I got an urgent phone call from my 9 year old son. By the sound of his voice I thought something was wrong. Thoughts of the dogs running loose through the neighborhood or cat tinkle on the sofa race through my mind -- I readied myself to solve any problem he throws down to me. "Mom you HAVE to stop at GameStop on your way home!" he exclaims with the urgency of
Have your Sundays been left with a huge void to fill now that there's no football? No pre-game parties ... no beer and wings ... no male bonding. What's a guy to do?
As it turns out, there are actually lots of things to do. Here are nine great ways to spend your Sundays now that football is over after the jump.
Here are the 5 kinds of friends a woman can count on for just about everything:
1. The uplifter. This woman's favorite word is yes! Anything you want to do, she'll tell you (with major enthusiasm and support) to go for it.
2. The travel buddy. A great travel buddy is flexible, adventurous, willing to try new things and comfortable with quiet time when you both need it.
3. The truth teller. She tel
With Valentine's Day fast approaching, TheFrisky.com thought they'd give men an opportunity to tell women about all the other ways they say "I love you" without actually having to say it.
From the mind of a man, here are some ways he says he cares -- after the jump.