The City Of Tyler Urges Residents To Report Any Storm DamageThe City Of Tyler Urges Residents To Report Any Storm DamageMassive cleanup underway in Tyler after destructive thunderstorm sweeps through the area.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Knowing The Difference Between A Weather Watch And Warning Is KeyKnowing The Difference Between A Weather Watch And Warning Is KeyHere's the difference between a weather watch and a weather warning.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Strong Thunderstorms Could Be Rolling Through East Texas ThursdayStrong Thunderstorms Could Be Rolling Through East Texas ThursdayStay weather aware Thursday.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
East Texas Could Experience A Round Of Severe Weather This EveningEast Texas Could Experience A Round Of Severe Weather This EveningSevere weather may move in parts of East Texas again this evening and tomorrow.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
It Was Literally Raining Fish In Texarkana, Texas Last WeekIt Was Literally Raining Fish In Texarkana, Texas Last WeekRaining fish is a real thing, rare as it may be, but it can and does rain fish, even in Texas.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Make Sure You Do This Quarter Trick Next Time There’s a Big StormMake Sure You Do This Quarter Trick Next Time There’s a Big StormWe've all been through what's considered the East Texas "stormy season". Lauren MoyerLauren Moyer
Severe Weather Potential Exists In East Texas Mother’s Day AfternoonSevere Weather Potential Exists In East Texas Mother’s Day AfternoonMother's Day afternoon and evening could end up being a stormy one for East Texas.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Severe Weather Risk With Large Hail Exists For East Texas FridaySevere Weather Risk With Large Hail Exists For East Texas FridayIt's that time of the year where we've got to be vigilant and stay weather aware.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
East Texas Is Expecting A Stormy End To 2020East Texas Is Expecting A Stormy End To 2020The way 2020 has been going, why not, let's end the year on a stormy note.Lucky LarryLucky Larry