Driving around town sucks, these toe-curdling temperatures suck, and MOST of all, having everything and their mama shut down for the blizzard just SUCKS!
I am a foodie. I live for food, I love for food. The way to woo me is to take me to a restaurant that serves authentic, delicious foods, like Filipino food for instance.
I've been to more shows than I can count on my fingers and toes. As I'm sure you have, too! Each show is unique in its own right - new venue, different town, evolving lineup. However, something that seems to remain the same through the ages are the fan-stereotypes that come out of the wood works, at every single one.
The thing about karaoke is that it gets better the worse the performance gets. We love to watch people make fools of themselves and struggle through the notes and words of our favorite songs. It is embarrassing, but wildly entertaining. I bet you can't watch these videos without laughing or cringing.