There's some hazard in walking around in the dark in costumes that obstruct vision and mobility. Here's a few helpful tips to keep your kiddo safe on Halloween.
This is a FREE event so gather your loved ones and enjoy bobbing for apples, a football toss, a haunted hike, and more. Oh and a cupcake walk. OMG--cupcakes.
It's the one night that kids all across East Texas look forward to for months, however Halloween this year could be threatened by some severe weather in East Texas.
Halloween is the one night of the year that kids of all ages look forward to to get the biggest haul of candy that anyone can imagine! This year they can share the spoils with U.S troops!
If you're going to be out trick-or-treating tonight with your own kids but you still want to pass out candy to the neighborhood, this self-serve method will solve your dilemma. And with no potential downsides, this is a total Halloween win.
Tonight is almost the biggest night of the year for kids, second only to Christmas probably, because they'll be going door to door with their cute little catch phrases to get their haul of the candy goodness!
With Halloween on the way, many kids (and adults too) will be out on Friday the 31st going door to door trick or treating for candy. They'll all be dressed up in some sort of costume, some will be elaborate and some will be as easy as wearing a football jersey! They all have one thing in mind though, and that's to get as much candy as they can.