
Why All Car Fuel Doors Aren’t On The Same Side
Why All Car Fuel Doors Aren’t On The Same Side
Why All Car Fuel Doors Aren’t On The Same Side
It's one of those questions that will eat at you until you know the answer. I couldn't stand it so I clicked on the article, and this is what I found out about the fuel doors on our vehicles, and why we don't have them all on the same darn side!
A Third of Texans Name Their Pickup Trucks
A Third of Texans Name Their Pickup Trucks
A Third of Texans Name Their Pickup Trucks
If you're still deciding what to name your truck, Betsy is probably on your short list, according to a new poll. It's one of the top names for pickup trucks in Texas, and the other top name might surprise you. Oh, and if you consider your truck to be part of your family, you are a true Texan.

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