The Top Baby Names of 2011 are in! See if your favorites are on the list.

Girls Names - Sophia, Emma, Isabella, Olivia, Ava, Lily, Chloe and Madison

Boys Names - Aiden, Jackson, Mason, Liam, Jacob, Jayden, Ethan, and Noah

BabyCenter revealed on the Today Show -

BabyCenter Editor-in-Chief Linda Murray pointed to celebrity influence on expectant parents, noting that Mason – the name of Kourtney Kardashian’s two-year-old son – rose eight spots in the rankings. Of course, it helps that he has the trendy –n ending. His K-named relatives did not fare as well, with Kourtney, Khloe, Kylie and Kristin all dropping in popularity.

Of course, the TODAY crew really wanted to know how their own names did in the ranking. Amazingly, the name Matt Lauer rose 98 percent! Just kidding. But Matt did increase a respectable 24 percent in popularity in the BabyCenter rankings. Savannah rose 17 percent, Natalie is up 14 percent, Al rose by 3 percent; and poor Ann is down 4 percent. (If only she was Anna, she’d fit the trend!) No one at BabyCenter named their child Kathie Lee this year, but there were two Hodas -- up from none the year before, so go Hoda-woman!

Well my daughter Chloe made the list. What are your kids names?

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