As much as many Texans enjoy the great Lone Star Pasttime that is the Rodeo, most understand that means there are bound to be some truly frightening moments.

Even though we may understand that fact, it is still truly scary and shocking to see the actual footage of the moments when "things went wrong."

On the night of March 16, 2022, a bullfighter named Bryce Redo from Kenefick in Liberty County experienced the angry power of the bull when he found himself being slammed into the NRG Stadium wall--TWICE--at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

ABC13 in Houston reports the moment occurred while "crews were moving the bulls in NRG Stadium when one angry bull took off after a bullfighter, slamming him into the wall twice with its horns."

A fellow bullfighter was able to intercede to distract the bull and caused the animal to back off, giving Redo a chance to move out of harm's way.

And despite the harrowing experience, Redo appeared to remain in good spirits and gave a "thumbs up" to the onlookers. Thankfully, Bryce Redo is doing okay after his frightening encounter and was reportedly back at work 24 hours later.

Bryce said although he was sore the next day, he was ready to get back to it. He also shared that if someone isn't prepared to handle these kinds of encounters, that certain someone may want to consider different work. (I'm paraphrasing here, but that's the gist.)

If you'd like to hear more about the encounter and hear from Bryce Redo himself, check out the video here:

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