They are leading this year's ACM Award Nominations with six, but it wasn't that long ago that the boys were in East Texas performing at the State Fair.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Dan + Shay before their performance and discuss their tour and their stop in Tyler in 2015. They were here for the 100th Anniversary of the East Texas State Fair, and now they're on fire with ACM Nominations.

We talked about their fair tour and performing outdoors versus in clubs, fair food, and football. They guys general eat pretty clean, but they also shared deep-fried deep thoughts with me as well.

We also talked bad haircuts and which of their heroes that they've met. They talked about their first time performing at the ACM's with Nick Jonas in Dallas, and getting ready for their 'Right Kind of Crazy Tour.'

It's pretty wild to look back at the video now that they've had a string of hits, and are nominated for a leading six ACM Awards coming up on April 7.

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