
It’s Election Day; Your Vote Counts, So Cast It
It’s Election Day; Your Vote Counts, So Cast It
It’s Election Day; Your Vote Counts, So Cast It
It's been a long road for the candidates and that road ends this evening. They've been out there pounding the pavement, shaking hands, debating, hanging up their political signs all in an effort to swing the votes in their favor. Although in my case, I've never once shook the hands of a candidate, I did watch them debate, nor did I put a political sign in my yard, but that didn't stop me from voti
Please Barbie, Give Love (and Ken) Another Chance
Please Barbie, Give Love (and Ken) Another Chance
Please Barbie, Give Love (and Ken) Another Chance
For 43 years, Barbie and Ken were inseparable.  Then, in 2004, just before Valentine's no less, they broke up.  Most said it was a mutual decision, but I have my doubts - I think Barbie was looking for some space. However, in 2006, Ken underwent a makeover, looking younger, hipper (not the picture you see in the post certainly), and he learned to country dance - I think.  Barbie took notice. Read