I'm originally from Tennessee so I know a thing or three about freezing temperatures. We don't get them as much out in East Texas but there are times when we need to take certain precautions.

The Kilgore News Herald reports that we've already had a freeze warning in effect for East Texas this week, and the National Weather Service outlook appears to show we're going to get some more days close to 32 degrees PLUS a few days of thunderstorms, too. Yikes.

Be on the lookout for random neighbors walking around in UGGS, leg warmers, and their necks wrapped up in thick scarves. If you're out driving at night or around dusk, watch out for some slick icy spots on the road.

You might see me in Walgreens buying some toe warmers, yes, I said TOE warmers. I didn't even know there even was such a thing until my child ran over at the checkout counter and asked me if we could buy some. I stood there in line trying to figure out how these things are supposed to work. Do you put them inside of your shoe and they have strips that wrap around your toes?

Here are some other things you might see your fellow cold Texans wearing or doing over the next few days.

  • Dogs under blankets
  • Clutching cups of hot coffee
  • Blowing hard into bawled fists to defrost them
  • Russian hats on heads
  • Shivering in their cowboy boots

Turn up your thermostat just a little bit more this week, we're gonna need the extra warmth!

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