Have you tried on a pair of shorts yet?

The temperatures in East Texas are on the rise, and that typically means it's time to break out the shorts, and the tank tops. We dig them out of the bottom of the dresser or the back of the closet, and try them on ... let's not even discuss bathing suits.

Then we look in the mirror. Oftentimes seeing something we don't want to see. The dreaded bulging of extra body squeezing out of the clothes that easily fit last year.

It's all too common. We allow ourselves to indulge in the Fall, we keep eating a little extra through Thanksgiving and Christmas, then we make that new year resolution.

We might join a gym, pin some fitness guidelines on pinterest, or try cutting out sugar... but here we are. Summer is here, and our shorts still don't fit. What's your plan?

For me, the shorts fit... just not quite as well as I want them to at the moment. So, I'm recommitting this weekend. I've found a plan that works for me that includes lean protein, veggies, lots of water and great vitamins and minerals. I'm hopping back on the bandwagon full force, something I haven't done for about two years.

It's not really all about weight loss for me. It's about finding my confidence, feeling energetic and full of life, and increasing my activity level. There are so many different plans out there today. My hope is you find one that works for you, and you stick with it.

Weight loss, a healthy lifestyle and reaching your goals doesn't have to be impossible. Make a plan, make a real decision to see it through and commit to change. You can do it.

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