An actor, writer, director, producer, banjo-player, & one wild and crazy guy, he's entertained us for years. Here's some of what we can learn from his life.
It has been said that mood follows action. And I believe it. We tend to wait until we feel like doing something. Guess what? It usually doesn't work that way.
He noticed the utter dilapidation of her home. Even though she couldn't afford the repairs, he decided to gather pros to fix her home--and change her life.
An actor, writer, director, producer, banjo-player, & one wild and crazy guy, he's entertained us for years. Here's some of what we can learn from his life.
Her photos of monkey pancakes, Minnie-inspired lunches, and VIP'S made out of pesto are funny, lovely, and delicious. Here are her artistic, edible creations...