ronnie44052, Flickr

Today is “National Men Make Dinner Day.” Yes I know, it was news to me as well. Apparently it's celebrated the first Thursday of every November – who knew?

Some of the rules of “Men Make Dinner Day” include:

  • Meal must include a minimum of 4 ingredients
  • require at least 1 cooking utensil other than a fork
  • Man must clean along the way.  Following the use of each dish or cooking utensil it must be cleaned and put away

There are many other rules that must be followed in order to have successfully participated in “Men Make Dinner Day.”  The full list of rules can be found at!


Today is “National Men Make Dinner Day” and I have some ideas to help you pull it off in style. Happy kids and a grateful wife are just a few of the benefits of participating in the festivities of today's national observance.  Get my top 3 ideas after the jump!




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