Science says there's something about the sound and feel of slicing through the paper. Some say it's almost sensual. (Oh my.) It "causes a sort of low-grade euphoria."
ASMR is where you listen to intensified sounds of nature, someone's voice, generic sounds, among others, to relax or make it easier to fall asleep. I've tried it and all it does is freak me the hell out.
ASMR is where you listen to intensified sounds of nature, someone's voice, generic sounds, among others, to relax or make it easier to fall asleep. I've tried it and all it does is freak me the hell out.
ASMR is where you listen to intensified sounds of nature, someone's voice, generic sounds, among others, to relax or make it easier to fall asleep. I've tried it and all it does is freak me the hell out.