
Dusty, The Real Life ‘Cat Burglar’ [VIDEO]
Dusty, The Real Life ‘Cat Burglar’ [VIDEO]
Dusty, The Real Life ‘Cat Burglar’ [VIDEO]
One California feline is attracting attention for his kleptomaniac ways -- he's stolen about 600 items from neighbors in the past 3 years, often returning multiple times for loot, including taking two trips to steal a pair of shoes or a bikini top and bottom. Neighbors don't seem to mind too much -- they just pay a visit to Jean Chu and Jim Coleman, Dusty's owners, to retrieve their stolen items.
iPad App’s For Cat’s Video
iPad App’s For Cat’s Video
iPad App’s For Cat’s Video
Wow.. iPad used entertain your cat!  I won't even let my kids touch mine!  Love my cat and all but really?  This is great!  I just wish my cat would quit meowing in the middle of the night.  Maybe someone told him how much fun he would have with an iPad...