10 Texas-Made Gifts Your Mom Will Love 10 Texas-Made Gifts Your Mom Will Love Mother's Day is approaching, and you don’t want to leave the gift shopping to the last minute.CeCeCeCe
20 Texas Made Gifts You Can Get Your Valentine This Year 20 Texas Made Gifts You Can Get Your Valentine This Year You can pair the gift with an evening our, or simply let it stand alone. Emily ClaireEmily Claire
This Etsy Seller Is Making Inclusive ‘Elf On The Shelf’ Dolls for ChristmasThis Etsy Seller Is Making Inclusive ‘Elf On The Shelf’ Dolls for ChristmasAnd at less than $30, they're affordable, too.AJAJ
Your Dog Can Have Their Own ‘Winnebarko’, And I’m Here For ItYour Dog Can Have Their Own ‘Winnebarko’, And I’m Here For ItNow if we take a vacation, they can come along in their own pet RV.Lauren MoyerLauren Moyer
Wanna Drink Wine from a Pringles Can? There's a Tumbler for That.Wanna Drink Wine from a Pringles Can? There's a Tumbler for That.An Etsy store owner has popped up with a tumbler decorated with the design of a Pringles can so, if you feel so inclined, you can drink wine from Pringles can at Walmart.Michael GibsonMichael Gibson