Texas is Proud Owner of the Fastest Highway in the United StatesTexas is Proud Owner of the Fastest Highway in the United StatesIf you have the need for speed, this Texas highway is the best place to be.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Top 10 Ark-La-Tex Towns You’re Most Likely to Get a Ticket inTop 10 Ark-La-Tex Towns You’re Most Likely to Get a Ticket inEarlier this week, I asked you where the biggest speed traps are. Apparently, you have gotten a ticket or two because the response was overwhelming. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Texas Set to Open Nation’s Fastest HighwayTexas Set to Open Nation’s Fastest HighwayThe state of Texas has approved what is going to be the nations highest speed limit. Highway 130 will set the speed at 85 mph. Seems crazy right?Leslie ReynoldsLeslie Reynolds