What Will this Single Dude Plan to Do for the Day of Love?
Ok, I'm gonna be Mr. Cynical Guy for a moment. Valentine's Day is nothing more than a marketing ploy. Buy flowers! Buy candy! Go to a restaurant! But, it is designed to be a very sweet day and a guy that's in a relationship should do something special for his significant other. And ladies, do the same. Love, kisses and hugs should abound on February 14.
But as a man who has been happily single for a while now, what should I do to celebrate the day?
Hmmm... well, there are a few ways to look at this. Should I head to a bar and converse with a single woman whose feeling down on this day of love? I might need to turn down the nerd in me.
Now, don't get me wrong, I have really enjoyed being single. My apartment is basically a giant man cave. It's filled with many Transformers posters and numerous collectibles (Transformers action figures, Pop! figures, video games, etc.). I can watch ESPN all day. I can buy a four-pack of toilet paper and it last six months.
But I digress... what else could I do? Too bad coin-op arcades don't exist any more. I could easily drop three rolls of quarters playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, NBA Jam or Donkey Kong.
I think sticking with old reliable may be the best option...enjoy the comfort of my couch and some PlayStation. I really wouldn't be alone, either. I'd be with someone who is always happy to see me, makes me laugh and gives me surprise kisses from time to time.
Then there is always the shopping spree for clearance candy on the 15th.
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