Okay, I must admit that I love to bird watch. I have birds of all kinds come to my feeders in the backyard. Hummingbirds, Cardinals, Chickadees, Woodpeckers, Tufted Titmouse, Sparrows, Bluejays, Robins and for the first time I have spotted Gold Finches! Exciting! So if you love bird watching as much as I do, I thought you would enjoy this awesome footage of a Lyre Bird and his unique way of mimicking over 2o different birds and more! If you are interested in birds and would like to learn more, check out the Audubon Society's websiteEnjoy the video after the jump!

David Attenborough presents the amazing lyre bird, which mimics the calls of other birds - and chainsaws and camera shutters - in this video clip from The Life of Birds. This clever creature is one of the most impressive and funny in nature, with unbelievable sounds to match the beautiful pictures. Sources from the BBC and YouTube.

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