Lonely? Pets Make Excellent Work-From-Home Companions
Working from home yet? Some of us have yet to make that transition as we cautiously watch these developments that are affecting the world. There's a good chance, at some point, many of us will be working from home. At first this sounds heavenly, right?
There are many advantages to working from home, for sure. Particularly in this season as we do our best to stay healthy and avoid making others sick. A few days seem a bit like taking a vacay from the daily grind we're used to. However, after awhile, we can start to feel isolated. As we know, loneliness is already a very real concern in our world. Add in an imposed need to self-isolate, and there can start to be a problem.

Thankfully, we have our dear companion animals.
There are so many reasons I love animals. I've often thought to myself, in all seriousness, "what would I do without my cats?" However, it's not just my cats. It's every dog or cat with whom I've ever had the privilege to share life. But right now, especially, many of our friends and neighbors, and ourselves, will need their companionship.
If you've been considering a new family friend, perhaps this is the moment you've been waiting for. I'd encourage to look into adopting, rather than buying. It's been far too long that these generous, loving creatures have been exchanged as inanimate objects. They are sensitive creatures that need a forever home. If you'd like to see some that are available for adoption in East Texas, or even if you'd just like to help the animals in some way, connect with the SPCA of East Texas. There are many ways to help and many companions waiting for their families to come and take them home.
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