Longview Residents Sound Off on What They Love About Their City
East Texas is a great place to live and to raise a family. It's a tight knit area full of so many great smaller towns; with of course Tyler and Longview serving as the anchors. Today, though, let's take a closer look at the 47th largest city in Texas -- that is for the most part located in Gregg County.
This week a woman, who judging from her genuine question and sincere responses seems to be a most pleasant soon-to-be-former Californian, will be moving to Longview and reached out to her future neighbors to find out what they love about the town.
And, boy, were there some great responses. From easy navigation -- thanks to the Loop -- to Friday night football, the library, and food options; residents revealed just so many great reasons why they absolutely love being a part of this community.
So let's dive into a bunch of the comments, that if nothing else, they serve as a reminder of how great our really town is.
Longview Residents Sound Off on What They Love About Their City
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