Remember back in the day when you had to blow into a video game cartridge to get it to work again?! Or, when you had to remember your house phone number or any phone number in general!

Whether you wrote it down on paper, memorized it, or whatever it was, you had to remember people’s phone numbers because that’s just how life was back then.

These days, our cell phones do all the remembering for us now. Shoot, my phone knows my whole life now because it keeps track of my calendar, numbers, card information, you name it!

Kids these days just won’t understand the anxiety you got when you needed to call mom but you forgot the house number!


I wanted to see what “pre-’90s” everyday skills people still remember, but don’t use anymore because well, we just don’t need to now with technology!

Be prepared to go down memory lane with some of these replies!

Pre-'90s Skills That Are Completely Useless Today According To Texans:


“Timing your ability to hit the record button on the cassette recorder to miss the last part of Casey Kasem speaking and catching the beginning portion of the song you want.”


“Maps or reading them.”


“Burning CDs and using floppy disks.”


“Using a pencil to wind the tape back into a cassette.”


“Telling time! That was really hard for me!”


“Wrapping textbook covers with a brown paper bag or those cool covers we forced our parents to buy us 'cause it was “cool.”


“Using a landline phone.”


“Setting up a VCR to record a TV show in advance.”


“Writing in cursive. And reading it.”





FYE Cielo Vista Mall


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