Safe and Unsafe Thanksgiving Foods for Your Pets
For any pet owner, it can be a daily struggle to keep your furry family member from begging at the dinner table. 98 percent of the time, we cave and give them a morsel in hopes that it will satisfy them and they'll retreat to another activity. With Thanksgiving upon us, you and your pet's mouths will be watering with all the great food spread before us.

All of the food on our Thanksgiving table is good for us. However, not all of it can be good for your pet. For the most part, turkey is fine for your cat or dog to enjoy a small piece. Bet there will be more than turkey on our table. Let's take a look at what can and cannot be good for your dog or cat to eat.
Okay for a Dog
- Turkey with no skin, fat or bones
- Cheese
- Rice
- Sweet potatoes
- Carrots
- Celery
- Corn that is not on the cob
- Green beans
- Pumpkin
- Apple without the core or seeds
Not Okay for a Dog
- Ham
- Onions
- Raisins or grapes
- Raw or mashed potatoes
- Raw dough
- Store bought deserts
- Stuffing
- Pie filling
- Canned cranberries
- Chocolate
- Garlic
Okay for a Cat
- Turkey
- Unseasoned potatoes, green beans or peas
- Cranberries
- Pumpkin
Not Okay for a Cat
- Alcohol
- Bread dough
- Turkey bones, skin or fat
- Stuffing
- Butter
- Nutmeg, sage, nutmeg or garlic
- Onions
- Nuts
Of course, you know your pet better than anyone but this is pretty good general outline of what you can and can't feed them. Happy Thanksgiving.
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