Texas can be a bit spooky at times. We've all felt that metaphorical chill down our spine at points, or seen something like an unidentified flying object. But what about being inside our homes and experiencing paranormal moments?

We've discussed in the past houses that seem to be haunted by things that we can't explain. But today we won't be talking about seemingly unseen things, this time we'll be able to see these items. Which is rather unexpected isn't it?

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One House In Baird, Texas The Unsettles The Nerves

Located at 3516 Interstate Highway 20 W, this house catches the eye for one reason and one reason alone: the décor. It almost feels like we're stepping into a home that is haunted, but it may not be necessarily.

The little home, according to Zillow, was built in the year 1952. So this home is over 70 years old! Ok, time to steady the nerves, let's take a look around!

Feast Your Eyes On All the Spooky Stuff in This Baird, TX House

What has been going on in this abode in Texas?

Thankfully, we made it out of there ok! Let's leave the spooky stuff until October...

Strange And True, Have You Heard These Name Origins Of Certain Texas Towns?

With so many towns in the Lone Star State, there's a few that might leave you scratching your head for their names.

We Asked, You Answered - What Are The Sketchiest Cities In Texas?

Let's face it - not every town in Texas is going to feel like home to everyone. Certain towns even gain a reputation as being pretty sketchy.

10 Myths About Texas That Even Some Natives Believe

Everything's bigger in Texas, including the tall tales! Our state can seem pretty strange to people from far away, or even our immediate neighbors. There are several myths about Texas that range from quirky to fun and just plain ignorant and insulting, and even some people born and raised her believe 'em. Here are a few we can dispel today.

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