For the last 11 years, Marvel has ruled the box office. Avengers: Endgame brought an end to the first saga, and with the release of Endgame on blu-ray, fans are coming up with some excellent tribute videos.
If you were one of the four people who didn't see Avengers: Endgame this weekend, turn away. If you've already seen it, watch our discussion and see what you agree or disagree with.
6 p.m. last night (April 25) I sat down in a packed AMC theater to check out Avengers: Endgame. It turned into the most fun experience watching a movie.
Avengers: Endgame hits theaters tonight (April 25). So that means that some of those early viewers will get online to reveal every scene. Those people are a holes and you should treat them as such.
Yesterday morning we were graced with the most hype inducing, one minute, trailer for Avengers: Endgame. That trailer ended with "Tickets On Sale Now" and the internet went bonkers.
I've watched it fifteen times already and will watch it even more getting the same goosebumps and feels every time. This proves Avengers: Endgame will be the most epic movie ever.