The City of Tyler Will Issue Emergency Permits for Repairs Following Winter Storm
The City of Tyler Development Services Department is preparing for high call volume and emergency permitting to assist residents and contractors who will need immediate repairs following the aftermath of the severe winter storm.
Residents across our area are currently having to figure out repairs regarding burst water pipes and flooding, along with drywall repairs. Usually, there's a process for going about getting permits to make such repairs (especially when it comes to plumbing), but officials are allowing for emergency permits to be granted.
Permitting ensures residents hire contractors that are both licensed and insured to perform needed repairs. The process protects residents from fraudulent contractors. As part of the permitting process, the City of Tyler provides inspections to verify work was done safely, properly and to State Code.
Check out these 'Frequently Asked Questions' answered by the City of Tyler:
What do I need to register and apply for a permit?
Contractors can register with the City of Tyler on our website. If a contractor is already registered, they can visit to apply for a permitFor additional information you can e-mail our Permit Center or contact the Permit Center at (903) 531-1151.
My water lines froze and busted; do I need a permit to repair them?
Per the 2015 International residential code R105.2, any repair of a CONCEALED water line or drain that must be replaced with new material must be permitted and inspected. A pipe is considered concealed it is underground/under slab, or if you must remove a permanent part of the structure to access it. Pipes in cabinets, attics, crawl space under a pier and beam house are not considered concealed and can be repaired without a permit.
I had pipes freeze in several locations and I just want to replace the whole water service line; Do I need a permit?
Do I have to have a permit to replace faucets or hose bibbs?
No, as long as you are not relocating them.
Do I have to wait to get a permit before I can make my repairs?
No. Per 2015 IRC R105.2.1, In an emergency situation the repairs can be made, and the permit applied for, on the next business day.
Who can repair my leaks and pull a permit?
A licensed plumber, a homesteaded homeowner working on their own property, or a maintenance employee working on a property in which they are employed to serve.
My water heater is not working, can I replace or repair it myself?
A licensed plumber or homesteaded homeowner may pull a permit and replace their water heater. Per Texas State Plumbing code Sec 1301.053.4, an apartment maintenance employee shall not replace a water heater.
Water heaters are the most dangerous appliance in your house. Improperly installed or repaired water heaters can blow up like pressure cookers, including electric water heaters. Water heaters are best if left to be installed by qualified and experienced installers.
My electrical service was damaged, do I need a permit to repair it? Yes, if your electrical service was damaged and Oncor disconnected the service drop and/or removed the meter, a licensed electrician or homesteaded homeowner must pull a permit and pass an inspection, then the City Inspector will send notification to Oncor that the repair has been made and the homeowner can call Oncor to schedule a reconnect.
How will the inspection be done?
After a permit is pulled and the repairs are made, the permit holder will contact the department to schedule an inspection. The work will need to remain uncovered to verify work quality, material type, connections and have full working water pressure to check for leaks. Once the inspection is approved, you may reinsulate and cover the work.
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