A True Cat Burglar Roaming Louisiana Neighborhood
Cat owners have most likely been presented with "presents" from their feline. It's a way to show how proud they are of their catch. However, those presents probably didn't include clothes or gardening attire like this family in Louisiana.

In Metairie, Louisiana, Heather Bardi was facing quite the quandary, how were pieces of random laundry and gardening attire showing up on her family's front porch? Was it a prank? Was someone streaking and using their porch to partially disrobe? Turns out, it was neither.
It was their cat according to KETK.
His name is Admiral Galacticat. With a name like that, his type of tomfoolery should be expected. The Bardi family would allow Admiral to roam the neighborhood on occasion. They discovered he was bringing the items to their porch after capturing footage of him red handed on their newly installed security cameras. Heather even witnessed the event in person as she was heading to work one morning.
They would take the clothes and bag them up and leave a sign out to let neighbors know that if they were missing stuff to come and inquire about them. Turns out, the items were from an unsecured laundry room around the corner.
Luckily, neighbors were in good spirits about the heists and were happy to get their clothes back. Admiral Galacticat was told not to do it again. But we know cats are a finicky breed so the request probably landed on deft ears.
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