Smith County Sheriff Investigating Burglaries Near Chandler, TX
The Smith County Sheriff's Office Is Asking For The Public's Help In Identifying Possible Suspects after a string of burglaries have been reported.
Recently, the Smith County Sheriff’s Office has been receiving several reports of burglary and theft cases in the western areas of Smith County. We have also found out that similar cases are being reported near Chandler, Texas. A person and vehicle of interest have been established through continuing investigations as well as information received by the Sheriff’s Office.
Even Though The Photos Are Somewhat Blurry, Give Them A Look.
The two photos were obtained from the scene of a burglary that occurred on CR 1131 in the Flint area. The white male is driving an older Dodge pickup, possibly white in color, black wheels, no grill, with three dents on the front portion of the hood.
Person Of Interest
The suspect and vehicle have also been scene in other areas where similar cases have been reported. If anyone recognizes this suspect and/or suspect vehicle, please notify the Smith County Sheriff’s Office at (903) 566-6600 or Investigator Jason Hampton at (903) 590-2629.
By The Way, The Smith County Warrant Roundup Is Underway.
Smith County has begun targeting persons on the delinquent and or warrant list and arrests can take place at any location, including the defendant’s home, school or workplace during the warrant roundup which began on Sunday (March 19).
If you owe Smith County court costs or fees, make arrangements to pay to avoid being arrested by calling 903-590-4624 or visit their website for more details.