Flyaway To Florida & Meet Lady Antebellum
Lady A comes to Dallas on August 26th, but starting Monday, KNUE will give you a chance to see Hillary, Dave, & Charles perform live on stage even sooner- in West Palm Beach at the end of July. You'll get to hang out with 'em too!
If you're part of our Country Club, be ready to log into your account & sign-up. Not a member yet? Just join now, then you'll be all set to register for the trip. What a great summer vacation!
Our grand prize winner gets airfare, hotel, tickets to the Lady Antebellum show, $500 spending cash, & a new Polaroid camera so you can take plenty of pictures lookin' good with Lady A!
Complete rules & details will be posted on Monday, & special thanks to Capitol Records- Nashville for hooking us up with the Lady Antebellum Flyaway!