Help Sheriff Hillhouse in Henderson County Find His Most Wanted Fugitives
We've all made mistakes in the past, some bigger than others, but most of us will never know what it's like to be on the most wanted fugitives list for Henderson County, Texas. It's a good thing to never be on this list, running from law enforcement is something you should never do. It's only a matter of time before law enforcement catches up with you and then you begin your punishment for the crime and evading arrest. Sheriff Botie Hillhouse in Henderson County released his list of the most wanted fugitives and we wanted to assist by sharing the details with you.
Before we get into the fugitives names and what charges they are facing please know that law enforcement isn't asking you to take action of you see these fugitives or know where they can be located. If you do have details on any of these fugitives the best course of action is to call Sheriff Hillhouse's office at 903-675-5128 or the Henderson County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-545-TIPS. If you have a tip that leads to the arrest of one of these fugitives you could be eligible for a reward.

There Are 3 Most Wanted Fugitives Wanted by Sheriff Hillhouse
The first fugitive is Frankie Lee Todd a 52 years old from Tool, TX wanted for theft of between $1,500 to $20,000. Next up is Taurus Lee Anthony Jenkins he is 43 years old from Malakoff, TX and wanted for jumping bail and failure to appear. Lastly, Ashley Lynn Culmo is 31 years old from Murchison, TX and wanted for endangering/abandoning a child.
We Have Photos of Each Wanted Fugitive Out of Henderson County, Texas
To assist with finding these fugitives there are photos of each of them below. Please take the time to look at the following fugitives and contact law enforcement if you see them.
3 Most Wanted Fugitives Out of Henderson County, Texas
Henderson County Fugitives (4/29/22)
Henderson County Sheriff 3 Fugitives (4/20/22)
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