Just Stuff It! TSA Gives Ok To Travel With Cooked Turkey
How turkey will travel.
With Thanksgiving just days away many people will be flooding the airlines trying to make it to their destination to celebrate with their family and loved ones.
However, if you wanted to take your Thanksgiving dinner with you, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is giving you the okay to put your cooked Thanksgiving turkey in a carry-on bag.
According to their website, they posted the information and I was actually surprised they will allow you to do something like that.
I know you're thinking, "What about the other side dishes?"
TSA also gave the thumbs up to carrying dressing, your famous pies, seasonings in your carry-on luggage, but if you plan on packing canned cranberry sauce, bottles of wine, and jarred gravy will be allowed on your checked luggage.
There you have it!
You have your do's and don't when it comes to your Thanksgiving travel and TSA also want to send a friendly reminder that airlines are expected to see at least 26.8 million holiday travelers between now and Monday (December 2nd).
Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving.
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