Watch Texas Angler Reel In Record Buffalo Fish Weighing 64 Pounds
Fishing can be so much fun, any day you get some time to throw a line in the water is a great day. But when you feel the tug of that line when you have a bite there is something special about that feeling. Fishing can be fun even when you don't catch anything, it will teach you patience. But then there are those days when you're getting lots of action, which is what happened to Cassady Douglas as earlier this year he was fishing with a buddy and landed a record smallmouth buffalo weighing in at 64 pounds.
To anyone who has gone fishing before you have to admire a catch like this, as you will see in the YouTube video Cassady created after bringing in the catch it is a lot of work. Luckily, these anglers were experienced and knew what to do when the hog was on the line because this record setting catch could have gotten away. But after getting in a workout Cassady was able to reel the fish in so he could weigh it and take some pictures with his record setting catch. The large fish took about 25 minutes to reel in for the photos and weigh in.

What is a Buffalo Fish?
While I enjoy fishing, I don't go often so I was intrigued to find out more about what a buffalo fish is because I had no clue. But according to Texas Parks and Wildlife, they resemble carp but don't have barbells, they are mostly found in large rivers or streams in the Panhandle.
Record Buffalo Fish Caught in Texas
While This Catch Is Huge There Have Been Bigger Fish Caught in Texas
Texas Park and Wildlife admit that this fish is a big one but there have been larger fish reeled in. The record weight it 82 pounds for a smallmouth buffalo on a rod and reel and 97 pounds on a trotline. After the gigantic catch Cassady released the fish back into the water but he will be telling people about his big catch for years and possibly even decades.
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