Learn How to Tell Trader Joe’s You Want Them in Longview, Texas
There has been a lot of conversation lately about big box stores that East Texans want to come to the area. H-E-B seems to be the biggest request from everyone. I've never been to an H-E-B but if they're all like this one in Austin, bring it. Another big request from East Texans is for a Trader Joe's. One Longview resident is trying to rally her fellow residents into getting a store in Longview.

One Longview resident took to the All Things Longview Facebook group rallying her fellow citizens to request a Trader Joe's through the Trader Joe's website.
Everyone please go to this site and put in a request for a Trader Joe's in Longview. If you have ever shopped at one you know how nice they are and if you have never been in one you would love it. Just let them know we would love to have one here.
Many residents were all for it. Others were a little hesitant, if not doubtful, that putting in this request would work. Jamie L. commented, "People.....this is NOT what makes a business move into a community. Lol" A couple of residents even mentioned that two brothers split a company in two many, many years ago with one forming Aldi, the other Trader Joe's, similar to Brookshire's in Northern East Texas and Brookshire Brothers in Southern East Texas.
That is true. Aldi is a chain of grocery stores opened in Germany in the early 1900's. The two sons took over after World War II. In 1960, the brothers got into an argument and split the company in two, Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd. Aldi Süd brought Aldi stores to the United States in 1976 while Aldi Nord bought Trader Joe's in 1979. It is two separate, and unrelated, companies in the United States.
I have never been to a Trader Joe's but looking on their website, it seems to be a fancy grocery store with some additional home and other products available. That's probably way over simplified but it's what I see just based off of their website.
If you are one of those Longview residents that want a Trader Joe's in the area, just go to traderjoes.com/home/contact-us/request-a-store. Actually, any resident from any East Texas city can fill this form out. Put your name in the pot and see what happens.
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