May the 4th Trivia Night is at East Texas Brewing Wednesday NightMay the 4th Trivia Night is at East Texas Brewing Wednesday NightFor Star Wars fans, showing off their fandom is a lot of fun. That's why Wednesday night will be a blast at East Texas Brewing Company.Michael GibsonMichael Gibson
Austin Named Number One Beer Destination in the WorldAustin Named Number One Beer Destination in the WorldThe craft brewery scene has exploded everywhere, including some great spots in East Texas. Now, Texas is home to best spot in the world for craft beer.Michael GibsonMichael Gibson
True Vine Announced Their New Location Will Have a Dog Park… Oh and More Beer!True Vine Announced Their New Location Will Have a Dog Park… Oh and More Beer!On Sunday, they added another piece to the puzzle as us craft beer drinkers eagerly await the announcement about their new location. Jason EisenbergJason Eisenberg