For over three decades, the Valentine Post Office has been spreading the love with personalized pictorial postmarks, making your V-Day greetings even more special.
After every storm locals always know how to capture the most beautiful photos of our El Paso skyline which shows that even after a crazy storm, El Paso is still a beauty.
Ok so spoiler alert, the name of El Paso’s first newborn giraffe was not revealed this past weekend BUT nonetheless, a celebration was held to celebrate GiGi and Juma’s little baby boy!
One El Paso teacher who decided to complain about a gift she got from a student that she was pretty sure was re-gifted, A hot chocolate bomb with marshmallows.
In the video you see a group of seven young men gathered together at the front steps of one of their neighbors' homes with Justin Bieber’s “Baby” song playing in the background.