There is a Live Action Pokemon Movie Coming and it Looks Good
So...yeah. This is a real thing coming out next year and, surprisingly, it looks great.
My knowledge of Pokemon goes as far as generation one just from watching the anime each afternoon. I've learned a little more about the different Pokemon from playing the mobile game Pokemon Go!.
But, to be honest, I was not expecting this. Usually when a live action anime like this has been done in the past, it hasn't gone well. However, just from the trailer, it looks like the goofiness and charm of the anime has been captured.
Again, I'm only super knowledgeable of generation one. Is Detective Pikachu an anime itself or is this a story just for this movie?
The other big surprise of this is that Pikachu will talk. Not the usual "pika, pika" we're used to. And Pikachu is voiced by Ryan Reynolds. I can see the references in the next Deadpool movie already.
But, you know what...I want to see this. I think this will be super entertaining. See you at the movies.
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