Tyler Photo Shoot That Went Viral Costs Subject Her Job
Last week we reported on a photo from Tyler that went incredibly viral because of the empowering and positive message it sends to women, focusing on the idea of true love. It was shared over 86,000 times on Facebook alone.
As mentioned in our previous article, the photos were taken in Tyler by photographer Bria Terry of Wolf & Rose Photography and apparently they were a bit too racy for some parts of Texas. The subjects of the photos from Overton - Stephanie and Arryn - are now a topic of controversy. Stephanie, who is about 21 weeks pregnant, was fired from her job at a branch of Austin Bank, according to BuzzFeed News and FOX News. The story of her getting fired went viral shortly after.
While the Internet majority responded to these photos in a positive manner, there were a few people (including Stephanie's employer) who were not happy with the way she presented herself.
Stephanie told BuzzFeed, "They said I was topless, and it was inappropriate and we're a family-oriented company'." According to her, she also said they called her in last Monday without giving her a chance to speak on her own behalf.
Terry, the photographer posted on her Facebook:
I completely understand that it is perfectly within the company’s rights to terminate someone. Texas is an at will state, and legally her employer did nothing wrong, but I cannot help but wonder how a company who claims to uphold family values can morally terminate an otherwise model employee who is 20+ weeks pregnant with her first child. Their decision not only stripped her of her insurance which is without a doubt a major necessity while pregnant, but also her paid maternity leave.
We have not yet heard back from a representative of Austin Bank, but will update this story immediately once we obtain more information.