Your Workout Routine May Affect You Different During Time Of Day
Summertime is on the horizon and many of us including myself is getting the most out of our gym memberships.
However, according to a new study indicates the effects of your workout may differ pending on the time of day you hit the gym.
Researchers from the University of Copenhagen conducted a study on mice and they found those who workout during the morning have better results in metabolic response in skeletal muscle than those who workout later in the day per Science Daily.
At this point, we can only conclude that the effects of the two appear to differ, and we certainly have more work to determine the potential mechanisms for the beneficial effects of exercise and training performed at these two time-points.
Researchers further explained that they will not say whether working out at either time is better than the other.
They are with great anticipation to extend those studies to identify if timed exercise can beutilized as a treatment strategy for people with metabolic diseases.
Does working out during the day differs from those who workout a night?