An Irresponsible Dog Owner Dumped Twenty Puppies on Tyler Road
A call went out over the weekend after it was revealed that someone had dumped twenty, yes 2-0, puppies on a county road in Tyler. The first thing I want to say is that whoever this person is is a horrible East Texan. This is not how we handle things around here. Luckily, these babies were rescued but help is needed to take care of them.
Sadly, East Texas has a small group of people that believe they are top notch dog breeders. The reality is, they are not and sell diseased and improperly breeded animals. Some get more than they bargained for and end up overwhelmed and the only solution is to dump the animals to fend for themselves. I'm not saying that's what happened in this case but it very well could have.
Luckily, these precious babies were rescued but some help is needed. The great folks at Nicholas Pet Haven took them in but are in need of the public's help to either foster one or more of these babies or make a donation to the shelter to help with vet care and other needs.
It is not known exactly where these precious puppies were dumped. If you happened to have seen someone do this, contact the authorities so these monsters can be punished accordingly.
To the wonderful volunteers who did show up this weekend to help, thank you. If you are interested in fostering one of these puppies, fill out the form HERE. Whoever this person, or persons, was that dumped these babies is not what East Texas is about. Shame on them.